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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > The objective is to set up SPI communication between VTI Technologies digital pressure sensor comp

The objective is to set up SPI communication between VTI Technologies digital pressure sensor comp

资 源 简 介

The objective is to set up SPI communication between VTI Technologies digital pressure sensor component and an MCU of an application device ATMEGA16L. In this code example: ?The MCU is configured ?SCP1000-D01 is initialized and configured ?The high resolution measurement mode is activated ?Temperature and pressure information is read always when the DRDY pin is in high state Please refer to the document "SCP1000 Product Family Specification 8260800" for further information on SCP1000 register addressing and SPI communication. This document applies to the SCP1000-D01.

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