资 源 简 介
vtkGRASSBridge provides a VTK/C++ interface to most of the GIS GRASS raster, voxel and vector C library functions. Its using an intuitive class structure to hide the complexity of the grass libraries.
Additionally, the vtkGRASSBridge provides access to grass C library functions for Python and Java, using the VTK wrapper.
Reader to convert GIS GRASS datasets (raster, voxel, vector) into VTK datasets are provided for raster, voxel and vector data. All vtkImage- and vtkPolyDataAlgorithms can be used to process grass raster and vector data. vtkImages can be directly written as grass raster maps into a grass location. vtkPolyDataSets can be written as vector maps directly into a grass location .
This library can be used to build comprehensive 3d visualisation of GIS GRASS data with Java, Python and C++, as well as base for complex multithreaded image and vector filter to process GIS GRASS datasets i.e: as backend for wps server.