资 源 简 介
This python script is used to generate badges given a template image and a list of (names, company) in a tab separated file.
This script was used in Proto.in 2007 SE (http://www.proto.in/proto2007se/) to create badges for all participants in the event.
You can use this script to generate badges for your own event.
Tested with Python 2.4.3 - http://www.python.org
Requires Python Imaging Library - http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/
The current version generates a 2 sided badge (ie two images that can be folded in the center to create a badge with text on both sides). This is useful because if the badge twists around, it is still readable.
A number of parameters are hardcoded as per Proto requirements. These will eventually be converted to parameters. In the meantime, you"ll need to read the code and change the values. It"s pretty straightforward code.
Mainly, you will want to change -
Default font