资 源 简 介
What is diffmp3?
With the script, it is possible to compare MP3 files.
Shows diff summary of MP3-file-comparison.
Compares binary MP3-Files and shows diffffernces
in ID3-Tags.
It is a simple and easy console command, with
just two parameters:
python diffmp3.py MP3-File MP3-File2
It compares the Files, possible output is:
files are exactly the same
Audio-Data is identical, but Tags differ!
Output like:
Audio-Data in Files 01 a hard day"s night.mp3 and example.mp3 is identical, but Tags differ!
--- 2009-09-17 15:21:09 01 a hard day"s night.mp3
+++ 2009-09-17 15:58:48 example.mp3
MPEG 1 layer 3, 128000 bps, 44100 Hz, 153.39 seconds (audio/mp3)
album=A Hard Days Night
artist=The Beatles
? ^
? ^
title=01 a hard day"s night
1. Both audio-data and tags differ!