资 源 简 介
pymarry 是一个帮助单身汉们寻找恋人的小工具。它能帮你快速地从 marry5 下载会员照片并能让你一次对一打你中意的会员问好。听起来不错吧,要知道,一个一个地浏览会员资料并一个一个地给他们发消息可是非常繁琐的一件事。如果你曾经用过 marry5 你知道我的意思。
pymarry 不是 marry5 的 api,它只是通过抓屏获得会员信息并为你下载图片。
pymarry is a Python script specially for single to find lover. It can help you quickly download images from marry5 and let you say hello to a dozen of users at a time. Sounds great. Browsing users and sending messages to them one by one is really tedious. If you have ever used marry5 you know what I mean.
pymarry is not an API for marry5. It obtains user information through screen scraping and then downloads their images for you.