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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > Emdros is a text database middleware-layer aimed at storage and retrieval of "text plus information

Emdros is a text database middleware-layer aimed at storage and retrieval of "text plus information

资 源 简 介

Emdros is a text database middleware-layer aimed at storage and retrieval of "text plus information about that text." This information could be linguistic analyses or other annotations. Emdros provides an abstraction of text that makes it well suited to storing /syntactic analyses/ of text, but other linguistic information is supported as well. Emdros comes with a query-language, MQL, that enables powerful queries. Emdros acts as a middleware-layer between a client (not provided) and a database back-end. Currently, PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite (2 and 3) are supported, but other back-ends can easily be added.

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