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Java I/O API之性能分析 IO API的可伸缩性对Web应用有着极其重要的意义。Java 1.4版以前的API中,阻塞I/O令许多人失望。从J2SE 1.4版本开始,Java终于有了可伸缩的I/O API。本文分析并计算了新旧I/O API在可伸缩性方面的差异。 -Java I/O API for the Performance Analysis IO API scalability of Web applications is extremely important significance. Prior to version 1.4 of Java APIs, blocking I/O to the disappointment of many. From J2SE Version 1.4, Java has finally come up with scalable I/O API. This analysis and the calculation of old and new I/O API in the scalability of the differences.