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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > Matlab > 在画椭圆的自定义函数MATLAB:椭圆,之后就会发现使用…


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MATLAB中画椭圆的自定义函数:ellipse,用后才会发现这个函数的强大功能! 在ellipse之函数当中,其输入之变数分别如下: -ra 椭圆之长轴半径,可为列矩阵,若为列矩阵时,代表可同时绘制许多椭圆。 -rb 椭圆之矩轴半径,可为列矩阵,如ra。 -ang 水平轴之倾斜角,以弧度表示。可为列矩阵,但ra、rb、ang三者之矩阵数应相同。 -x0,y0 圆心之座标,可为矩阵,若为矩阵时,代表可同时绘制许多不同圆心位置之椭圆。 -C 椭圆线之颜色 -Nb 绘椭圆时所用之点数。-MATLAB in the oval painting custom function: ellipse, will be found after using the power of this function! Ellipse of the function in which its input variables are as follows:-ra ellipse of major axis radius for the column matrix, if for the column matrix, a representative may at the same time drawing many elliptical. oval-rb-axis radius of the moment for column matrices, such as ra.-ang horizontal axis of the tilt angle to radians. Matrix for the column, but ra, rb, ang among several of the matrix should be the same.-x0, y0 the coordinates of the center for the matrix, if for the matrix, a representative may at the same time drawing a number of different oval center location.-C elliptic line color-Nb painted oval of points used.

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