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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > Java > 套接字(socket)为两台计算机之间的通信提供了一种机制,在 James Gosling 注意到 Java 语言之前,套接字就早已赫赫有名。该语言只是让您不必...

套接字(socket)为两台计算机之间的通信提供了一种机制,在 James Gosling 注意到 Java 语言之前,套接字就早已赫赫有名。该语言只是让您不必...

  • 资源大小:16.11 kB
  • 上传时间:2021-06-29
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  • 资源积分:1积分
  • 标      签: TCP/IP协议 java

资 源 简 介

套接字(socket)为两台计算机之间的通信提供了一种机制,在 James Gosling 注意到 Java 语言之前,套接字就早已赫赫有名。该语言只是让您不必了解底层操作系统的细节就能有效地使用套接字。多数着重讨论 Java 编码的书或者未涵盖这个主题,或者给读者留下很大的想象空间-Socket (socket) for communication between two computers provide a mechanism, in James Gosling noted that before the Java language, has long been prominent on the socket. The language just so you do not need to understand the details of the underlying operating system be able to effectively use the socket. Most focused on Java coding books or not covered by this theme, or to the readers to imagine leaving a very large space

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