资 源 简 介
This project contains the source code of the assignments from Try It sections from the book Java Programming, 24-hour Trainer: http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0470889640.html. You can find the solutions to the exercises in the Downloads section. Java instructors can find the presentation slides complimenting the book under the Wiki section.
Meanwhile you can import existing solutions by selecting File |Import | General | Existing Projects into Eclipse workspace. Then use the option Select Archive File and point eclipse at the downloaded solutions. If after importing a project you see an error “Unbound classpath container JRE System Library…”, go to the project properties, select Java Build Path | Libraries, highlight the line with unbound JRE and press the button Edit. Then select the default system or alternative JRE 1.7.
If you"ll run into a code that doesn"t compile, see if there is a solution to this problem the Errata section of the book.