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项目,CTP java解决方案演示和示例代码

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News JBoss Seam: Hotdeploy Maven Plugin and Archetype updated The latest hotdeploy plugin (0.3.3) fixes a problem with hot deployed components both deployed to /WEB-INF/classes as well as /WEB-INF/dev on Linux - which crashed the application during app server startup The updated Archetype SNAPSHOT includes the new plugin version as well as a fix for the plugin version management [2009-11-16 by thug] JBoss Seam Archetype SNAPSHOT updated Fixes errors in the persistence configuration. This failed unit tests when they started to do some real integration work... Also: * Upgrade to latest Maven Plugin version * References to original CLI plugin repository instead of relying on the JBoss Maven repo. The latest version of the CLI plugin also works with Maven 2.2. [2009-08-09 by thug] JBoss Seam Hotdeploy Maven Plugin v0.3.2 The latest ver

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