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Write YUI 3 Applications in GWT. yuigwt - yui4gwt is a GWT library for porting most useful parts of YUI 3 JavaScript toolkits to Java - GWT.
It uses GWT overlay types for a zero-overhead Java API. Define common mechanism and Java utilities for "doing javascript " in java, like literal JavaScript object definitions, function handlers, etc. Given those mechanism yuigwt implements a YUI java API based on the JavaScript YUI API in a very straightforward way. This also allows users already familiar with JavaScript YUI API to quickly get ready to use yuigwt Java API.
The YUI API is huge. This Java API focus first on YUI concrete components like DOM utilities, widgets, gallery modules and other useful JavaScript tools.
However, YUI modules and utilities oriented to enhance the Javascript language, like YUI extensions mechanisms, extending Base, Attribute, custom events, and in general, any YUI module which function is