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在谷歌App Engine的java web开发的客户端-服务器架构

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*Notice* We are waiting for the newest official GWT 2.1 Activity MVP-like framework to stabilize and then will adapt client-side handlebars to take advantage of provided functionality. Overview Handlebars provides a client-server solution for Google App Engine Java programmers. From dealing directly with low-level datastore API (in order to take advantage of non-relational datastore), dependency injection (both on the server and the client) via Guice and GIN, and an MVP model based around event bus and place service as well as UiBinder. For use examples of Handlebars, please see the Handlebars Starter Project: http://code.google.com/p/handlebars-starter-project/ Handlebars is designed for code generation (think Ruby "script/generate" commands but inside an Eclipse Plugin), so the apparent code complexity comes from generic design. If you keep that in mind the advantages of the framework become clearer.

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