资 源 简 介
ViSeGraph, formerly known as VisuOWL, is a Java/Swing application for the visualisation and browsing of entities in OWL models and the relations between them.
It uses the OWL API for the manipulation of OWL files and Jgraph Layout Pro for displaying the networks.
Visualisation of entities of OWL models.
Searching for an entity, visualise its neighbours and navigate in the network, starting from there
Filter the types of relations
Change the graph layout
visuowl.jar: binaries of the program
src: source code
idiomas.csv: languages file (also included in the jar)
Java 6
OWL API (owlapi-bin.jar): downloadable from http://owlapi.sourceforge.net
JGraph Layout Pro (jgraphlayout.jar): obtained from http://www.jgra