资 源 简 介
Server Architecture:
The Messenger is developed using Java network programming.
When the Chat Client runs, it will open a socket and connect to Chat Server by sending HELO RFC to Server.
Once it gets connected, the chat client will keep the socket connection and communicate with the server whenever the user commands it, however, the architecture used in file transfer, video conferencing is different which we will be discussing in upcoming slides
Technology Background:
Java Media Framework (JMF) is used to develop the browser-based Web conferencing application.
Java™ Media Framework (JMF) provides unified architecture and messaging protocol for managing the acquisition, processing, and delivery of time-based media data.
JMF is designed to support most standard media content types, such as AIFF, AU, AVI, GSM, MIDI, MPEG, QuickTime, RMF, and WAV