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jnlua Java本地Lua

  • 资源大小:43.53 kB
  • 上传时间:2021-06-29
  • 下载次数:0次
  • 浏览次数:1次
  • 资源积分:1积分
  • 标      签: java lua

资 源 简 介

JNLua (Java Native Lua) integrates the Lua Scripting Language into Java. The integration is based on the original implementation of Lua which is written in ANSI C. The Lua C code is integrated into Java using the Java Native API (JNI). Features JNLua provides the following features: * Full Lua support with full Java type-safety. JNLua provides the full functionality of Lua C API including large parts of the Lua Auxiliary Library. All Lua Standard Libraries are supported, including the coroutine functions. At the same time, JNLua maintains the type-safety of the Java VM by performing rigorous checks in its native library. * Two-way integration. With JNLua, you can access Java from Lua and Lua from Java. From Lua, JNLua provides full Java object access with intuitive syntax and the abilitiy to implement Java interfaces in Lua. From Java, JNLua provides full Lua access including the ability to imple

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