资 源 简 介
JSlidesShare is a Java wrapper around the SlideShare API. It can be used for mashing up slides in your own Java Web application.
An example
Using JSlideShare is very easy. For example, if you need to get the code for embedding a specific presentation starting from its SlideShare id:
SlideShareAPI ssapi = SlideShareAPIFactory.getSlideShareAPI(
API_KEY, // Your API key
SHARED_SECRET // Your shared secret
Slideshow slideshow = ssapi.getSlideshow("142806");
String embedCode = slideshow.getEmbedCode();
Current features
At present you can:
Retrieve a slideshow by its id or url
Retrieve the slideshows of an user
Retrieve the slideshows with a specific tag
Retrieve the slideshows from a group
Upload of a new presentation