资 源 简 介
JAoCBot is a in java written library for Age of Conan.
With that library you can easily develop your custom aoc bot.
Or just use the default bot attached to the library.
A Default Gui is implemented as well, you can send to all channels + sending and receiving private msges.
Its developed with a plugin system so you can easily add
new plugins to the bot, without modifying the base source code.
Just implement the IAoCPlugin interface in your class and
put it in the plugins folder.
You will need a mysql server for the default bot unless you write an own bot.
p.s. i used hibernate for my default bot.
Setting up the Project should be easy as well.
Generate a new Project and attach the JAoCLib.jar to the classpath in your ide.
And take a look at the botinit.java to see how to set up your bot.
Have fun and i hope this lib will be usefull.
p.p.s i developed the lib and bot + plugins under java 1.6.
This bot might be running un