资 源 简 介
What is it
This project provides the W3cMarkupValidationFilter, which
captures the HTML of all rendered pages
Sends the HTML to a W3C Markup Validation Service
Injects a little box into the HTML page, which becomes green, if the HTML is valid, or otherwise red
The injected box also contains a link to the validation result page, where you can see a detailed description for each error.
1.) Download http://w3c-markup-validation-filter.googlecode.com/files/W3cMarkupValidationFilter-1.0.2.jar
2.) If you use Maven, you can install the jar file into your local repository via
mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=de.michaeltamm -DartifactId=W3cMarkupValidationFilter -Dversion=1.0.2 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/downloaded/W3cMarkupValidationFilter-1.0.2.j