资 源 简 介
RITE SDK provides a Java framework for rapidly building a Textual Entailment recognition system especially toward participating in the NTCIR-9 RITE evaluation task. RITE SDK comes with a sample code, so you can rapidly build a working system by modifying it. The framework also provides evaluation capability with a confusion-matrix error analysis.
What"s new
Version 1.12 (Sep 28, 2011) - initialization and on-complete methods are available (optional). Batch evaluation is possible with more detailed evaluation logs.
Version 1.11 (Sep 15, 2011) - Bugfix: evaluation result not shown from the run launched from MainClass.
Version 1.10 (Sep 14, 2011) - Abstract RITE system work with input file without gold label; Evaluation available given a run result and gold standard file.
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