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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > Java > java基于Petri网的模拟,与张博士的cs2650慢智能系统的软件接口。


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NetSim - Petri Net simulator for CS2650 By Callen Shaw (cts8) The project is a final project in Distributed Multimedia Systems (CS2650) at University of Pittsburgh. The goal is to implement a java project which interfaces with pre-existing Slow Intelligence System (SIS) software developed in class. The original proposal follows: _For my term project I will build a java program which is capable of executing Petri Nets, represented in extended PNML, while interacting with the class"s Slow Intelligence System testbed. Specifically, the extensions to PNML will give the executor program information about dispatching and receiving messages to and from the SIS server. The outgoing messages will be sent by defining a trigger on one of the Petri Net"s transitions, which will specify the message type to send when that transition fires. A single incoming message type, PlaceTokenMsg, will be defined to allow external components to put a new token on a particu

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guided demo script.bat

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