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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > Java > 破冰休息服务器是一个超小型HTTP服务器的java设计为iSeries AS400我/ /

破冰休息服务器是一个超小型HTTP服务器的java设计为iSeries AS400我/ /

资 源 简 介

IceBreak REST server is a tiny stand alone server side HTTP stack you can embed in your JAVA program. Just drop one small jar file into you project and you are golden. Sometimes you just need to be able to get request and send response back by the HTTP protocol. In these cases it will be totally overkill to use i.e. WebSphere, Tomcat or Glassfish server. What you need is a small Representational State Transfer server - a REST server http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RepresentationalStateTransfer The aim The aim is to utilize Java classes server side i.e. into PHP, CGI etc. simply by issuing server side HTTP request on the loop-back port, and their by gaining performance since the class loader is only invoke once - you don"t have to jump in and out of the java environment. Where to use This REST server works well especially in mixed language environments. If cases where it to much of an overhead to enter and leave the Java environme