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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > Java > 一个2D物理引擎专注于java简单、执行速度、占地面积小。


资 源 简 介

The name is a play on words - SIMulation (of the physical world) PULL (a physical action, described through physics). It also speaks to a primary goal of the engine - simple to use. A simple interface Verlet integration of particles (fixed & non-fixed) in system Joint/Constraints between particles in system (spring/angle) Rectangle (w/ rotation) and Circle (w/ angular velocity) shaped particles Composites (to create custom physics objects) Collision detection & response (simulated physics response) Extensible event system (allows for custom collision response + more) Single threaded (probably not safe to use in multi-threaded apps, needs testing) The most suitable use is likely video game physics simulations. This is because the accuracy Simpull provides is not likely to meet the needs of hardcore simulations. See i