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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > Java > 用于创建基于插件的应用程序本质上支持向前兼容的API强大的java框架


资 源 简 介

Overview There is a plethora of open source frameworks and toolkits available to Java programmers. The problem is that open source rarely equates to forward-compatibility for those of us consuming these frameworks in our applications. Why does this have to be the case? The Proteus Framework uses a triple-bonded factory design that is compatible with both J2SE and Android runtime environments. The framework was explicitly devised for use in applications that offer a development SDK or developer API, promoting forward-compatibility. Proteus Platform Services 2.0.BETA1 Released! Be sure to download the BETA1 .zip and explore the plethora of new capabilities built atop the Proteus Core Framework. Review the ProteusPlatformServices and the UMLClassDiagram for more details. Forward Compatibility Defined Forward Compatibility is defined in

文 件 列 表

Proteus Framework Architecture.pptx
Proteus Framework Overview.pptx
Proteus Platform Services Overview.pptx

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