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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > Java > 工作组“建筑”在斯图加特/德国对一个框架,加快在java世界domainmodels发展探索


资 源 简 介

There is suprisingly no real technical support for DomainDrivenDesign -- and there exist just many problems - things disoputing against clean seperation of domain and infrastructure code. Among others these are: * Missing in Domain Layer: * Dirty Detection * Functional Tracing * Lazy Loading / Domain Proxies * Model Synchronisation * Application Transactions * Undo / Redo * Data Binding * Validation - JSR303 here is a good step * Entity, Value * Historisation * Versioning * Metadata * Configuration and Contexts Needful Infrastructure is also missing: * Problem adequate persistenz * Data import ability * Test Daten Generation The domainframework project will reflect this and integrate existing frameworks or create coherent and working solutions. Wichtige Fragen, um Lösungen für die oben genannten Probleme zu bewerten sind dabei: * Abhängigkeit - welcher Aspekt baut auf welchen anderen auf? * Testbarkeit - wie läst sich dieser Ansatz testen? * Debuggba

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