资 源 简 介
The Network Virtual Terminal for Java (NVT4J) is a library which can drive
a terminal emulator connected to the application through a telnet session.
The API consists of the interface nvt4j.Terminal . The implementation of this
class is called nvt4j.impl.Terminal. To allow the user to connect to the
application you need to listen for a tcp connection and then wrap a Terminal
object around it:
ServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket(8000);
Socket socket = serverSocket.accept();
Terminal terminal = new nvt4j.impl.Terminal(socket);
For example, to run the sample class Example.java from an xterm session, you can
do this:
user@localhost$ java -classpath nvt4j.jar Example &
user@localhost$ telnet localhost 8000
NVT4J uses the Telnet LINEMODE option to put the terminal driver (xterm in this case)
in what the posix standard calls "raw" or "non-canonical" mode, so that it can receive
all user inputs asap, i