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What is crammer?
Crammer is a program for those who are studying English. It helps them to expand their vocabulary.
Kinds of tests
Crammer offers 4 kinds of tests for memorizing English words:
1. Translation - to memorize word translations,
1. Reverse Translation - to memorize word spellings,
1. Transcription - to memorize word transcriptions,
1. Gaps Filling - to learn about word usages in different contexts.
Crammer words remembering tracking algorythm
For every added word Crammer calculates the time when this word is "forgotten", and when there are enough forgotten words, Crammer offers you to take a test.
Newly added word is forgotten in X hours (it"s 6 hours by default), then if you pass the test for this word, this word is forgotten in X*F hours (F is 1.5 by default), then - X*F*F, etc. If you fail the test, the word is forgotten in the same X hours