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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > Java > jalds明显jal-does所储存的数据结构和算法的java。


资 源 简 介

JALDS ( J ava AL gorthms and D ata S tructures) pronounced JAL-DOES is an open source repository that contains a variety of algorithms and data structures that you can use in your own code, including graphs , trees , sorting- algorithms and much more. Motivation : Have you ever wondered, "What is the best sorting algorithm I should use with this data?" , Well the only person who can answer that question is .... YOU. You know your data better than anyone else! And this project can help you experiment and choose the best one. Graphs, graphs are everywhere eg: Social Networks, Web Pages ... JALDS contains graph algorithms and data structures that you can reuse in your own projects. Should you use a Binary Tree for sorting ever thing ? not necessarily a regular binary tree will be fast

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