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This is a Java implementation of a non-copy message passing actor system.
# Goals #
* **Small learning curve** It is the philosophy of this project that any good concurrency library should reduce cognitive load. This project aims to reduce the API down to the bare essentials. The API is also designed so that you don"t need to make 2 million injection objects just to get started.
* **Swappable threading strategies** It is assumed that there is no such thing as a single size fits all threading strategy. Therefore a goal was to allow easy extension of how Actors communicate with each other. A set of useful implementations is provided though to get started.
* **Built in monitoring** In concurrent programming if you don"t measure it, you don"t know if its actually faster. To help with monitoring performance a "Metrics" system allows tracking latency and execution duration.
# Overview #
The message passing API is designed to hide the threading plumbing. For instance, say I have t