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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > Java > ontospread是java API的开发、配置、定制、激活扩散技术在语义Web领域的执行。

ontospread是java API的开发、配置、定制、激活扩散技术在语义Web领域的执行。

资 源 简 介

OntoSpread is a Java API for the development, configuration, customization and execution of the Spreading Activation techniques in the field of the Semantic Web. These techniques have been used for the efficient exploration of knowledge bases built on semantic networks in Information or Document Retrieval problems. OntoSpread allows the implementation of the algorithm on RDF models, implicit graph structures in the ontologies developed using W3C standard languages: RDF-Schema and OWL. OntoSpread implements the process of activation and spread of concepts in ontologies applying different restrictions, like weight degradation according to the distance or converging paths reward. For the configuration, control and carrying out of algorithm tests, two tools have been developed: 1) an automatic test cases runner, 2) a tool for the display and graphic debugging. The advances made have been applied to two different subject areas. In the first one, it has been used t

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