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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > Java > 一个java游戏玩家保卫自己的庄稼免受饥饿的蝗虫群。


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Note that this project is a work in progress. There are no stable releases. This game is being developed as part of research into work-space collaboration. The game is a multiplayer collaborative game, where the players work together to defend their crops from swarms of hungry locusts. The game is designed to be played on a Diamond Multitouch Table, but should be functional with more conventional input devices. In addition it will make extensive use of the Vibro-Tactile feedback to augment human to human communication pipelines when the users are in separate locations. The research hopes to answer the following questions: 1. Does Vibro-Tactile feedback enhance workspace awareness for collaborative work on a Diamond Multitouch table. Especially when some of the users are remote? 1. Can the users developer their own communication protocols for the vibro-tactile feedback? Read more about the research here: Research Statem

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