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Plug In Electric Vehicles

  • 资源大小:10231 K
  • 上传时间:2023-08-21
  • 下载次数:0次
  • 浏览次数:1次
  • 资源积分:1积分
  • 标      签: Electric Vehicles Plug In

资 源 简 介

Plug in Electric Vehicles (PEVs) use energy storages usually in the form of battery banks that are designed to be recharged using utility grid power. One category of PEVs are Electric Vehicles (EVs) without an Internal-Combustion (IC) engine where the energy stored in the battery bank is the only source of power to drive the vehicle. These are also referred as Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs). The second category of PEVs, which is more commercialized than the EVs, is Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) where the role of the energy storage is to supplement the power produced by the IC engine. 

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