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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > Autonomous+Robots+Modeling,+Path+Planning


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A kinematically redundant manipulator is a serial robotic arm that has more independently driven joints than are necessary to define the desired pose (position and orientation) of its end-effector. With this definition, any planar manipulator (a manipulator whose end-effector motion is restrained in a plane) with more than three joints is a redundant manipulator. Also, a manipulator whose end-effector can accept aspatialposeisaredundant manipulator ifithas morethan sixindependently driven joints. For example, the manipulator shown in Fig. 1.1 has two 7-DOF arms mounted on a torso with three degrees of freedom (DOFs). This provides 10 DOFs for each arm. Since the end-effector of each arm can have a spatial motion with six DOFs, the arms are redundant.

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