资 源 简 介
A Java interface to the bit.ly and j.mp APIs.
Bitlyj 2.0: A DSL for Bitly-powered Url Shortening Services
This is probably all most will be interested in:
import com.rosaloves.bitlyj.Url;
import static com.rosaloves.bitlyj.Bitly.*;
Url url = as("bitlyapidemo", "R_0da49e0a9118ff35f52f629d2d71bf07").call(shorten("http://rosaloves.com/stories/view/13"));
// url.getShortUrl() -> http://bit.ly/fB05
There"s more, of course :-). Check out QuickStart to see more usage, and Bitlyj2AndTheScalaREPL for even more in an interactive Scala session.
2.0 Noteworthies
Concise DSL syntax with obvious semantics == bitly interaction with no boilerplate.
Natural error handling with no checked exceptions. If you want to deal with exceptions, catch BitlyException and access the delivered message (yields bitly"