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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > Java > gmailer斐:一个小而强大的java应用程序使用Gmail发送电子邮件


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This application is developed using Java. With GMailer, anyone having a gmail account can send email to anyone with a file attachment. Type in your Gmail ID and Password, Enter the mail id of your recipient, Attach a File and then click on ‘Send Mail’ to Send the mail to the specified Email Address. There is no need to open a browser, login to Gmail, Click on Compose Mail to send a mail. All you have to do is use this small (only 513 kb), yet powerful little tyke of an app to do your job. Your ID and Password are not stored anywhere – once you exit the application everything is cleared off. This application is useful for three kinds of people: 1. People who don’t know how to use Gmail 2. People who are too lazy to open the browser, login, compose, etc. from Gmail. 3. Students who are interested to learn Java (If anybody needs clarifications regarding the code, then please leave comments) This Application uses Swings UI.

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