资 源 简 介
This package is a Java implementation of the Viola-Jones algorithm, able to load OpenCV XML files.
It can be used to detect either faces or any objects you have learned a cascade classifier from.
However, this project does not implement the learning part of the Viola-Jones algorithm (you still have to learn examples with OpenCV tools).
Features :
- Optional Canny pruning, as in OpenCV.
A multi-threaded version of the detector is available in source code! I"ve been able to get a 3x speed-up factor on my dual core ! Many optimizations are still to come...
Thanks to Gary Frost, member of the Aparapi team, who made Jviolajones run on GPU (http://aparapi.googlecode.com/) for his code and valuable advice.
The runnable jar available in the Downloads section should be called this way :
java -jar jviolajones2.jar imageFileName OpenCVXmlFile
(Some cascade files, as well