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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > 基于OFDM的无线宽带系统仿真It contains mainly two parts, i.e. link-level simulator and system-level simulator.

基于OFDM的无线宽带系统仿真It contains mainly two parts, i.e. link-level simulator and system-level simulator.

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基于OFDM的无线宽带系统仿真It contains mainly two parts, i.e. link-level simulator and system-level simulator. Link-level simulator focus on a single-cell single-user scenario, where signal is transmitted from tx, and estimated at rx. Comparing the difference in tx/rx signal, the error rate can be found out. The output of the link-level simulator is the BLER/BER vs. SNR mapping table, that can be used for the system-level simulation. System-level simulator focus on a multi-cell multi-user scenario. For the sake of simplicity, it takes the mapping table aquired in the link-level simulation, measure the actural SNR, and finds the corresponding error rate.

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