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Welcome to Tortuga
Tortuga is a software framework for discrete-event simulation in Java. A Tortuga simulation can be written either as interacting processes or as scheduled events. A Tortuga simulation can have thousands of entities, and can be part of a larger Java system.
Tortuga was developed by The MITRE Corporation in 2004/2006.
Why Tortuga
Tortuga utilizes a programming paradigm that greatly reduces the burden on the simulation on developer. Tortuga treats each simulation entity as a separate thread and allows you to provide a run method. This allows the developer to focus on simulation specifics and not have to worry about littering event handler code all over the place.
Additionally, Tortuga is well-documented, well-tested, and has held up to use in some extremely hardcore simulations.
What You Need to Get Started
Your simulation, as a set of Java classes. There are simple examples in the introdu