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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > 基于C8051F310的山路转弯预防警示系统


  • 资源大小:620 K
  • 上传时间:2024-02-08
  • 下载次数:0次
  • 浏览次数:1次
  • 资源积分:1积分
  • 标      签: C8051F310 转弯

资 源 简 介

针对盘山路存在的转弯盲区,即在转弯时司机无法得知弯路对面是否有车辆通过,设计一种基于C8051F310的山路转弯预防警示系统。该系统利用一阶滤波算法检测山路转弯时是否有车辆通过。运用该算法可增强系统检测的实时性,提高检测机动车辆的灵敏度,同时大大减少环境温度对检测的干扰。试验表明该系统能够正确指示出在山路转弯时是否有车辆通过,目前该系统已安装在盘山路上,可大大减少事故的发生率。 Abstract:  Aiming at passing hilly road,there is a turn blind spot.Motormen usually do not know if the passing of vehicles pass the road.So a system of defending accident on hilly road is designed,which is based on MCU C8051F310.The sys-tem uses the first-order filter algorithm to detect whether there are passing vehicles.This algorithm enhances the real-time detection and improves the sensitivity of detection vehicles.Meanwhile,it reduces the detection interference of environmen-tal temperature.The experimental results show that this system can exactly indicate if there are passing vehicles.At present,the system has been successfully applied to hilly road.The system can greatly decrease accident.

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