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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > 基于单片机89S52的多功能计数器设计


  • 资源大小:569 K
  • 上传时间:2024-02-08
  • 下载次数:0次
  • 浏览次数:1次
  • 资源积分:1积分
  • 标      签: 89S52 单片机 多功能 计数器

资 源 简 介

该系统由单片机89S52控制模块,程控宽带放大模块,整形模块,FPGA内频率、相位差测量模块等构成,采用等精度测频法测出频率和周期,可测量有效值为0.01~5V,频率范围1Hz~20MHz信号的频率、周期信号,精度高达10-6。采用计数法测量相位差,该系统可测量有效值0.5~5V,频率10Hz~100kHz信号的相位差,精度为1°。系统功能由按键控制,测量结果实时显示,人机界面友好。 Abstract:  The system consists of the following functional blocks:89S52microcontroller controlling module,programmable amplifier module,comparator module,frequency and phase difference testing module in the FPGA.The system use the equal accuracy frequency-examining technique it measures frequency and circle of signal which its ranges is from1Hz to20MHz and the amplitude of which its range is from0.01Vrms to5Vrms,precision is up to10-6.Using of count method,the system detects the phase difference of signal,the amplitude of whic its range is from0.5Vrms to5Vrms and the frequency of which its ranges is from10Hz to100kHz,precision is up to1°,The system functions is controlled by certain keys,measurement results are displayed in real-time and it is friendly interface.

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