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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > 基于C8051F020单片机的多路压力测量仪


  • 资源大小:606 K
  • 上传时间:2024-02-09
  • 下载次数:0次
  • 浏览次数:1次
  • 资源积分:1积分
  • 标      签: C8051F020 单片机 多路 压力

资 源 简 介

介绍了一种基于C8051F020单片机的多路压力测量仪。该测量仪选用电阻应变式压力传感器采集压力信号,并经放大电路处理后送入C8051F020单片机,再由C8051F020单片机内部的A/D转换器将采集到的压力信号进行模数转化,然后分别对数据进行存储和显示。该测量仪能测量6路压力信号,并且各测量点都能单独检测和设置。由于采用了C8051F020单片机,简化了硬件电路,增强了抗干扰能力,使得测量仪具有测量精度高,冲击小等特点。 Abstract:  A measurement apparatus for multi-channel pressure based on single chip microcomputer is introduced.It can measure 6 channels signal of the pressure,and the pressure measure points can be detection and located individually.The pressure signal sampling is obtained by resistor stress-type pressure sensors,the digital signals of 6 channels are collected through amplifying and adjustment circuit of pressure signals and internal integrated A/D converter of MCU.Finally,and it realizes the function to store and display data separately.C8051F020 was used to made hardware circuit simple,and it also enhanced the anti-interference ability.It features high precision and little impact.

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