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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > 87C576微控制器的在线编程


  • 资源大小:111 K
  • 上传时间:2024-03-18
  • 下载次数:1次
  • 浏览次数:1次
  • 资源积分:1积分
  • 标      签: 87C576 微控制器 编程

资 源 简 介

The 87C576 includes two separate methods of programming theEPROM array, the traditional modified Quick-Pulse method, and anew On-Board Programming technique (OBP).Quick Pulse programming is a method using a number of devicepins in parallel (see Figure 1) and is the traditional way in which87C51 family members have been programmed. The Quick-Pulsemethod supports the following programming functions:– program USER EPROM– verify USER EPROM– program KEY EPROM– program security bits– verify security bits– read signature bytesThe Quick-Pulse method is quite easily suited to standardprogramming equipment as evidenced by the numerous vendors of87C51 compatible programmers on the market today. Onedisadvantage is that this method is not well suited to programming inthe embedded application because of the large number of signallines that must be isolated from the application. In addition, parallelsignals from a programmer would need to be cabled to theapplication’s circuit board, or the application circuit board wouldneed to have logic built-in to perform the programming functions.These requirements have generally made in-circuit programmingusing the modified Quick Pulse method impractical in almost all87C51 family applications.

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