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基于DSP Builder数字信号处理器的FPGA设计

资 源 简 介

针对使用硬件描述语言进行设计存在的问题,提出一种基于FPGA并采用DSP Builder作为设计工具的数字信号处理器设计方法。并按照Matlab/Simulink/DSP Builder/QuartusⅡ设计流程,设计了一个12阶FIR 低通数字滤波器,通过Quartus 时序仿真及嵌入式逻辑分析仪SignalTapⅡ硬件测试对设计进行了验证。结果表明,所设计的FIR 滤波器功能正确,性能良好。 Abstract:  Aiming at the problems in designing DSP using HDL,a method of designing DSP based on FPGA which using DSP Builder as designed tool is pointed out.A 12-order low-pass FIR digital filter was designed according to the process of Matlab/Simulink/DSP Builder/QuartusⅡ, and the design was verified by the timing simulation based on QuartusⅡand practical test based on SignalTapⅡ. The result shows the designed filter is correct in function and good in performance.

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