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c++ at c are created on the basis of C than the more powerful, it is an object

  • 资源大小:12.33 MB
  • 上传时间:2021-06-29
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  • 浏览次数:1次
  • 资源积分:1积分
  • 标      签: Windows开发 c++

资 源 简 介

c++是在c的基础上创建的   它比c的功能更强大,它是一门面向对象程序设计语言   向对象程序设计是一种新型的程序设计范型.这种范型的主要特征是:   程序=对象+消息   面向对象程序的基本元素是对象,面向对象程序的主要结构特点是:第一,程序一般由类的定义和类的使用两部分组成,在主程序中定义各对象并规定它们之间传递消息的规律.第二,程序中的一切操作都是通过向对象发送消息来实现的,对象接收到消息后,启动有关方法完成相应的操作.一个程序中涉及到的类,可以由程序设计者自己定义,也可以使用现成的类(包括类库中为用户提供的类和他人已构建好的).尽量使用现成的类,是面向对象程序设计范型所倡导的程序设计风格. -c++ at c are created on the basis of C than the more powerful, it is an object-oriented programming language Designed to the object is a new kind of programming model. This model s main features are: Process = object+ message Object-oriented programming is an essential element of the object, object-oriented programming are the main structural characteristics: first, the general procedures defined by the type and category of use of two parts, as defined in the main program and the provisions of the object between them message passing patterns. Secondly, the proceedings of all operations through to the target to send the message to achieve targeted message received a

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新编Windows API参考大全.doc

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