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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > Matlab > 简便、 准确的声场建模 codefor 数据处理、 成像和干涉法的应用

简便、 准确的声场建模 codefor 数据处理、 成像和干涉法的应用

资 源 简 介

The .zip file contains the directory /acoustic_modelling_foldy_v.4.1_seg and the following sub-directories:- /codes: contains the Foldy modelling code m-files (in /foldy) and a number of useful Matlab functions that are used in the examples (in /utils)- /doc: contains the code user manual and a copy of the paper- /examples: contains the modelling and interferometry examples that are presented in the user manual- /paper_plots: contains Matlab codes that can be used to generate the examples shown in the paper. Note that fig_4_5_plot.m and fig_6_7_8_plot.m do not perform any calculations but use the data in /fig_4_5_data and /fig_6_7_8_data to create the figures. The same figures can be created by running example_inter_receiver_mon_dip_comp.m for figures 4-5, and example_inter_receiver_FD_comp.m for figures 6-8 

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