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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > C/C++/VC++ > 1。介绍这个程序是用C++语言编写的一系列的逗号…


资 源 简 介

1.简介 本程序是用C语言编的一个基于命令行的文件合并分割器。主要用于分割和合并文件,可以按大小分或者按个数等分。支持分割和合并的批处理。其中命令行以及批处理语句有一定的规则,需要用户学习后才能熟练使用。 2.功能  能够实现多个文件的合并功能  能够实现同一目录下的所有文件或所有具有相同属性(同后缀)的文件,按照文件名的顺序合并  能够实现对于一个文件的分割功能,可以按照两种要求进行分割:第一,按照用户给出的分割个数;第二,按照用户给出的每个文件大小  支持文件合并与分割功能的批处理-1. Introduction This procedure is used C language based on a series of the command line in the paper division for the merger. Mainly for segmentation and merger documents, in accordance with the size of sub-sub or by number. Support split and merger of the batch. These command line and batch statements to certain rules, requiring the user to learn the use of skilled before. 2. Function# 61548 can be achieved by merging multiple files functional# 61,548 to achieve the same directory of all documents or all of the same attributes (with extensions) of the document, according to documents from the merger order to achieve# 61,548 for a separate function of the document, according to two separate requirements : First, the

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