资 源 简 介
CrissCross is a small C++ library which assists in rapid game and application development. It provides multiple data structures and cross-platform wrapper classes for doing file I/O, processor identification, hashing, sorting, and TCP and UDP sockets. CrissCross is currently used in Onlink, as well as the Mac OS X version of Uplink.
All Platforms
* CMake 2.6
Mac OS X
* Xcode 2.3 or later
* Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 (or later) or MinGW
Everything Else
* GCC 4.2 or later
First, obtain the source code. You can either get it in a source tarball or the much more preferable method, which is via Git:
git clone git://github.com/tycho/crisscross.git
Then, run CMake on it, which will generate the appropriate proj