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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > C/C++/VC++ > smallmatrix是一个C++库,线性代数,向量和矩阵提供了非常快的类(通用,方形对称)在低维的上下文。


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SmallMatrix is a C++ Library for Linear Algebra that provides very fast classes for vector and matrix (generic, square and symmetric) in low dimensional context. As dynamic memory allocation is really slow for small dimensional vector or matrix, generic Matrix/Vector libraries are not recommanded for that kind of purpose when it comes to performance. SmallMatrix was designed to avoid that by using fast static memory allocation. To achieve great performance, SmallMatrix was coded with intensive use of: Inlining Template Static memory allocation Unroll Loop Compile Time... Metaprogramming Traits Static Polymorphism SmallMatrix is easy to use and comes with help and sample files. SmallMatrix consists of some header files. You only have to include "SmallMatrix.h". All classes are inside the namespace SmallMatrix to avoid colision with your work. Tested compiler:<

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