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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > C/C++/VC++ > 实时检测C++分析器的MS VC++ 7.1 +与IDE集成

实时检测C++分析器的MS VC++ 7.1 +与IDE集成

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MicroProfiler is a simple way to see in realtime what your application is busy with. It is almost effortless to add it to an existing VisualStudio C++ project. The profiler utilizes ability of MSVC to splice prolog/epilog calls into complied functions. To make things really simple, MicroProfiler is coming with VisualStudio integration built-in. The project development is now hosted on GitHub. All kind of stars and forks are appreciated there! Our pages on VisualStudio Gallery: MicroProfiler (x64) and MicroProfiler (x86). Your rating there is kindly appreciated!

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