资 源 简 介
Bina FFT: An Easy-to-use Radix-2 FFT Routine
Not the fastest in the world, not as fast as FFTW, but it"s fast enough!
I has moved to github.
How To
Please Read A short tutorial on how to use the library.
Latest Benchmarks on a 2.3 GHz Intel Core i5 with 4GB RAM (a 2011 MacBook Pro). Testing complex-to-complex FFT routine.
==[ Benchmark Testing (cfft)]================
FFT ( BinaFFT ) of size 2 took 1.240405e-07 seconds (L2 Err: 2.16e-09)
FFT ( BinaFFT ) of size 4 took 1.712469e-07 seconds (L2 Err: 2.78e-09)
FFT ( BinaFFT ) of size 8 took 2.777088e-07 seconds (L2 Err: 3.08e-09)
FFT ( BinaFFT ) of size 16 took 8.115894e-07 seconds (L2 Err: 3.41e-09)
FFT ( BinaFFT ) of size 32 took 2.839952e-07 seconds (L2 Err: